Another Fucking Photobook (first edition, second printing. The fucking money-grubber edition), 2022, is a fucking photobook by fucking MacDonaldStrand. Poorly printed on fucking FSC approved fucking paper and self-fucking-published in an edition of loads of fucking copies.

What people are saying...

'Quickly conceived and poorly printed. Distributed to a shockingly small number of people and of little or no interest to a non-photographic audience. A.N. Expert

@b***_s****** 'Best photo book in a long while thanks'

@23p***¡***ap****** 'I feel personally attacked'

@i*****¡****** 'Brilliant! I was thinking about doing a photo book, but now have to reconsider' @c*****ch 'I feel seen.'

@d*****&****** 'We can all quit now.


Rings (a coffee table book), 2023


George and Pat Beacher, 2009